Yearly Archive: 2016

Hazard Identification: Merging your channels of input


As well as the development of HSEQ compliance frameworks, risk assessment and operational documents, our consultants spend a lot of time working to review and audit current systems. One area which is a common opportunity for improvement is the merging of items from various informal and formal channels to allow for easy tracking of non-conformances...

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Finding the answers: Researching Occupational Health and Safety.


Many of our clients find us in their search for information to assist in them understanding Occupational Health and Safety requirements as well as best practice processes better. Below are some organisations (Victorian context) which we use as our reference tools (as well as continual training) to ensure we keep our knowledge current and reflective...

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Internet Communication Technologies: Benefits to your Safety Management System.


Organisational processes and documentation has evolved rapidly with the onset of the ‘technological age’ and as a consequence have presented many opportunities for business to better manage their affairs without mountains of paperwork, including their safety. This short article will point out some key areas any business can simplify their operations by taking advantage of...

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Small Business: Key OHS processes to manage your risks


Our consultants are regularly asked to develop management systems and practices to meet contract, legislative and business needs. In many cases, we are asked to ‘cover off the basics’ to ensure that our customers have a practical, straightforward process to cover off their Occupational Health and Safety liabilities. But what are the basics? How are...

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Wellbeing Management Systems


Wellbeing Management Systems form the link between compliance requirements (i.e. HR & OHS Legislation) and positive workforce initiatives (i.e. Enterprise agreements, Staff opinion surveys, recruitment drives and reputational marketing). Refer: Image 1: Wellbeing Management Systems  Wellbeing initiatives have grown strong popularity in recent times due to a number of factors such as: Greater recognition of...

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Risk Matrix: The Benefits & Challenges


For very good reason, risk matrices have been widely promoted in risk management standards and reference books, and despite much criticism, they’ve been widely adopted by many organisations. In the right hands, they are a practical and easy to use tool, which can help most organisations in most circumstances to: Promote full-bodied discussion on the...

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Emergency Eyewash & Shower Equipment


The AS 4775-2007 Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment specifies minimum performance and use requirements for eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of a person who has been exposed to materials which may cause injuries. It covers the following types of equipment: Emergency shower equipment Eyewash equipment Eye/face wash...

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Being Prepared For Emergencies


Effective planning for emergencies, may be the difference between multiple fatalities, asset loss and getting out alive. The type and scale of emergencies planned for will vary between organisations, dependent on the nature of risk. Planning for emergencies can be a daunting task, AS 3745-2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities, provides guidance for their development...

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Traffic Management


Managing traffic at a construction workplace is an important part of minimising the risks to health and safety. Vehicles including powered mobile plant moving in and around a workplace, reversing, loading and unloading are often linked with death and injuries to workers and members of the public. On the 6th of May 2016, a bobcat...

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Developing your In-House Traffic Management Plan


If the mixture of traffic and people is not carefully managed, it can have tragic consequences for all involved. The development of a traffic management plan is a key part of any organisations safety management processes, and one which must be done correctly. The keys to developing any functional traffic management plan are: Understanding the...

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