02-10-2017Requirements Hazardous Manual Handling is one key area of concern for WorkSafe as part of the OHS Regulations 2017 (Vic.) update. As a result, this is an area which SafetyZone OHS Consulting is currently assisting a number of firms to ensure compliance. The Guidance note states ‘The hazardous manual handling part of the OHS Regulations...
Read more 10-07-2017The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (OHS Regs. 2017) were implemented and became effective in Victoria on 18 June 2017. With the exception of licensing structures for registered training organisations (RTOs), which have a 12 month transition time frame, the regulations are effective immediately. The intention of the OHS Regulations 2017 is to provide...
Read more 09-06-2017Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 Changes to Chemical Safety Management. In Victoria, the management of chemical safety is covered by a complex range of State and Federal Acts and Regulations. For employers who aren’t manufacturers, transporters or suppliers the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017, which covers hazardous substances, and the Dangerous Goods (Storage...
Read more 17-02-2017If recent news and legislation introductions are anything to go by, the Australian government seems set to remove further barriers in the legalisation of cannabis oils, flowers and associated products. This exciting news will allow critical treatments for thousands of Australians. However, from an Occupational Health and Safety perspective, this poses an interesting problem which...
Read more 20-01-20172016 saw Victoria with the highest rate of fatalities since 2009, twenty-six Victorians lost their lives at work during the year with the highest fatality industries, once again, being Agriculture and Construction. One trend which becomes evident in the review of the 2016 figures is that incidents involving mobile plant account for fourteen of the...
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