18-05-2018Occupational Health and Safety compliance requirements help businesses meet best practice operations, community expectations and continual improvement. All acts, for example the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 set the general requirements and tone for the legislative tool and work as overarching guidelines to by which organisations should operate. Regulations are the tools by...
Read more 15-04-2018The process of developing, implementing, reviewing and continuously improving systems to ISO and/or Australian Standards requirements is a specialist task involving strong organisational support, appropriate resourcing and often becomes part of the core philosophy around ‘the way we do things here’. Most popular standards grow confidence in organisational operations involve OHS, Quality and Environmental Management...
Read more 07-03-2018Australians have a deep love for the sun culture; our ‘sunburnt land’ is known the world over for our beaches and bronzed bodies. During the warmer months, Australians spend more time exposed to potentially lethal UV rays which presents a hazard requiring constant attention by leaders. While this can be the best time of year...
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