Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) & Job Safety Analysis (JSA) in Geelong, Ballarat, & Melbourne

As risk management in Geelong, Ballarat, and Melbourne becomes an increasingly intricate process, many companies and organisations are required to provide Safe Work Method Statements or Job Safety Analysis (JSA) in anticipation of the processes being undertaken onsite.

SafetyZone provides complete, clear and concise site-specific SWMS, JSA or JSEA (Job Safety Environmental Assessment), all utilising the risk matrix format as well as the hierarchy of controls to identify risk rankings based on the likelihood and consequence of stated events.

Each SWSM or other assessment is developed to suit the stated high-risk task or operation undertaken by the business. Our consultants have extensive experience in your industry and have the ability to develop a statement or analysis that will best suit your organisation.

SafetyZone consultants work closely with clients to ensure procedures and procedures fit the tasks assessed and are site specific. Our documents are developed to individual client requirements and industry best practice standard, based on extensive experience and research.

Different industries have different names for required safety reports and documentation. These include:

  • SWMS – Safe Work Method Statement
  • JSA – Job Safety Analysis
  • JSA – Job Safety Assessment
  • JSEA – Job Safety Environmental Assessment
  • JAWS – Job Analysis Work Sheet Procedure.

SafetyZone can also undertake worksite inspections, including developing a worksite inspection report to identify hazards and risks as well as recommending process improvements.